Thursday, 24 September 2015

And Our New Floral Polonaise...

Our New Polonaise...

These dresses are always so stunning to look at - especially the originals in the museums, and there is something just naturally attractive about them. 
Here is our version of a Polonaise in the Gallery of English Costume that we have just listed on our Website and in our Etsy Shop.
We hope you like!



There is a lot more info and photos on our website for these new items - Etsy only limiting you to 5 pictures and also we have tabs on our website for talking you through 'The Making of...' and 'The History of...' and sometimes 'How to Wear...'. We also have our beloved Customer Library which though we are well behind on our job list, we are constantly adding to in the desire to fill it with useful info.

Please have a browse!

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Our new Yellow Sandby Anglais...

Finally!....Our New Items...

We don't know how this has taken us this long to get these photos from the cd they were delivered on to finally being listed as our new garments but such things do get in the way! We've had a move, a holiday and the wonderful crashing of our old laptop :(. 
But every cloud has it's silver lining as we now have a new laptop and a much quicker response to our many demands....
Anyway, that's not what we're blogging about today.

Please welcome our new Yellow Sandby Anglais!!!!

This is the Sandby drawing she is based on....

A study on how neck cloths or Fichus or handkerchiefs were worn in the 18th century, historical costume research - a look into georgian costume and how it was worn., historical replica costume, Hand made period clothing, reenactment csotume, bespoke garments form the 18th century, accessories of the 18th century, dress like a georgian

 And this is what she looks like without all that covering...

We've put loads more details on our website, including details of how she was made - the techniques used, how to wear this type of garment etc etc.

Please click on this link below and have a dig about. We've tried to cram it with info so every page should have something new on it.